National Research Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation
VII International Youth Research and Practice Conference
“Mathematical and Computer Modelling
in Economics, Insurance and Risk Management”
Organizing committee:
- A. N. Chumachenko, Rector of SSU, Professor, Doctor of Geography (the Chairman);
- V. S. Mkhitaryan, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Statistics and Data Analysis Department of NRU Higher School of Economics (Deputy Chairman);
- E. A. Birukova, Head of the Saratov Branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman);
- S. P. Sidorov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Head of SSU Institute of Risks (Saratov) (Deputy Chairman);
- S. V. Arzhenovsky, Doctor of Economics, Professor RSUE (Rostov);
- V. N. Afanasiev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chair of Statistics and Econometrics Department of OSU (Orenburg);
- Abraham Altonayan, Professor (Brunel University, UK);
- Alena Audzeyeva, (Keele University, UK);
- A. M. Zakharov, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate professor, Dean of Physics and Mathematics Department of SSU (Saratov);
- V. À. Balash, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Mathematic Economics of SSU (Saratov);
- O. S. Balash, Candidate of Economics, Associate professor, Dean of SSU Economics Department (Saratov);
- T. A. Belkina, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Head of Laboratory of risk theory of CIEM of RAS (Moscow);
- S. I. Dudov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Chair of Mathematic Economics of SSU (Saratov);
- E. A. Kolomak, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Department of territorial systems of Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk);
- Paresh Date, Professor (Brunel University, UK);
- V. M. Khametov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Leading researcher in Laboratory of risk theory of CIEM of RAS (Moscow);
- M. I. Dyachenko, Professor of the TFiFA Department of the Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty of Moscow State University.